How Many Bricks Do i Need for a Fire Pit?

Building a fire pit is a solid way to make your backyard more fun. It’s where you can get together with people you like, watch flames dance on a brisk night, or just chill out after a long day. Before you start, make a plan for the size and look of your pit, pick the kind of bricks, and figure out how much cement mix you’ll need.

Here’s a guide to make your fire pit:

Find the right spot. Put your fire pit in a safe area, clear from stuff that could catch fire. Keep a good distance from your house and sheds, too.

Dig a hole to match the fire pit size you want. A small fire pit calls for a hole three feet wide and one foot deep. A larger one will need a hole about four feet wide and 1.5 feet deep.

Put gravel in the hole. Gravel keeps rainwater from collecting in your fire pit.

Lay out the bricks. Place the first bunch in a circle or a square pattern on the ground, making sure they are flat and tight against one another.

Build up the walls. Keep adding layers of bricks until the fire pit wall is high enough for you.

Pour gravel inside your brick circle. This gravel base is where the fire burns and catches all the ash.

Estimate Brick Counts for Various Fire Pit Sizes

Fire Pit SizeApproximate Brick Count
Small, Circular (3 Feet in Diameter)30-50 Bricks
Medium, Circular (4 Feet in Diameter)50-75 Bricks
Large, Circular (5 Feet in Diameter)75-100 Bricks
Small, Rectangular (3 Feet by 5 Feet)100-125 Bricks
Medium, Rectangular (4 Feet by 6 Feet)125-150 Bricks
Large, Rectangular (5 Feet by 7 Feet)150-200 Bricks

When you’re ready to build a fire pit in your yard, knowing how many bricks you need is crucial. The number varies with the shape and size of the fire pit you’re planning. Here’s a handy guide to help you figure out how many bricks you might need based on common fire pit sizes.

For a cozy little round fire pit that’s three feet across, you’ll need about 30 to 50 bricks. If you’re going for something a bit bigger, with a four-foot diameter, the brick count goes up to 50 to 75. And for a five-foot-wide circle, which gives you plenty of room, expect to use between 75 to 100 bricks.

If rectangles are more your style, and you want a small one that’s three by five feet, you’ll be looking at around 100 to 125 bricks to get the job done. A mid-size rectangle, like a four by six feet fire pit, will require between 125 to 150 bricks. For a big family-size fire pit that’s five by seven feet, your brick count can range from 150 all the way to 200 bricks.

Choosing the right number of bricks will help you create a sturdy and safe place for those fire-lit evenings. Make sure you buy a few extra bricks in case of mistakes or last-minute design changes. With the right count and some hard work, you’ll have a fire pit that’s all set for marshmallow roasting and storytelling under the stars.

Factors Affecting Brick Requirements

When you’re figuring out how many bricks you need for a fire pit, several things can change your final count. Your pit’s size, shape, and the style you pick are key to working out how many bricks you will need.

Size and Shape:

The bigger and more complicated the design of your fire pit, the more bricks you will use. A simple, small round pit is going to use less than a big rectangle one because of the different ways they fill space.

Wall Thickness:

If you want your fire pit’s walls to be thick, you’ll need more bricks. Thick walls are better for making the pit sturdy and keeping in heat, but they do take more bricks to build.

Brick Type:

What kind of bricks you choose is also important. Most fire pits use standard bricks because they’re strong and not too pricey. But if you choose fancy bricks with different sizes, you might end up using more or less than you first thought.

Mortar Usage:

The glue that holds your bricks together is called mortar, and it’s pretty important. But if you use a lot of it, you might have to get extra bricks. This is because the space filled with mortar could have been where another brick went. So, keep an eye on how much mortar you use to avoid a surprise run for more bricks.


What’s the best location to set up my fire pit?

Your fire pit should be placed in an open, level area that is a safe distance from buildings, trees, and anything else that could catch fire. Make sure it’s also in a spot where smoke won’t bother your neighbors or enter your home.

How many bricks do I need for a standard-size fire pit?

For a small, circular fire pit (about 3 feet in diameter), you’ll likely need between 30-50 bricks. The count increases with the size of the fire pit, with medium and larger pits requiring up to 75-100 bricks respectively.

Do I need special bricks for my fire pit?

It’s best to use fire-rated bricks for the inner layer of your fire pit, as they are made to withstand high temperatures. Standard bricks are suitable for the outer parts but always check the manufacturer’s recommendations.

How deep should the gravel base be in my fire pit?

Aim for a gravel base that is around 2 inches deep. This layer will help with drainage and reduce the risk of water accumulating in your pit.

Can I use mortar to bind fire pit bricks?

Yes, you should use mortar to ensure the bricks are held firmly in place. However, be cautious with the amount, as too much can require additional bricks and potentially alter your design.

Is it necessary to have a circular fire pit, or can it be square?

Your fire pit can be any shape you like. Circular pits are common because they evenly distribute the heat, but square or rectangular pits can offer a modern look and fit better in some spaces. Just remember that the shape may affect the number of bricks you need.


Building a fire pit yourself can make your yard more inviting. To get the right amount of bricks for your fire pit, think about how big and what shape you want, how thick the walls will be, what kind of bricks you’ll use, and how much mortar you need to hold the bricks together. Knowing these things helps you figure out how many bricks you will use to make a strong and useful fire pit.

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